Our Event Schedules
DAY 1 - 12th December 2024
Cme Registration
Meeting & Creative Organising Secretariat
- Organising Secretariat Desk
Welcome words and introduction to the Course
- Claudio Giovanni De Angelis - Nico Pagano
ESGE President Welcome words
- Ian Gralnek
Live Session 1
Novara Live operators and tutors:
Torino Live operators and tutors:
Elia Armellini, Marco Daperno, Carlo Fabbri, Alessandro Lavagna, Rodolfo Rocca, Marco Sacco, Ilaria Tarantino
Negrar Live operators and tutors:
Marco Benini, Paolo Bocus, Stefano Crinò, Alberto Fantin, Pietro Fusaroli, Thomas Togliani
Anesthesiologists Team:
Novara: Liliana Gradinaru, Gianluca Gugliotta, Konrad Petra, Luminita Sasu
Torino: Gabriella Buono
Negrar (VR): Massimo Zamperini
Pathologists Team:
Novara: Renzo Boldorini, Cristina Bozzola
Torino: Gianni De Rosa
Negrar (VR): Giuseppe Zamboni
- Chairs: Rodica Gincul - Ian Gralnek - Manu K. Najar
Open Coffee
- F&B Area
Live Session 2
Novara Live operators and tutors:
Torino Live operators and tutors:
Elia Armellini, Marco Daperno, Carlo Fabbri, Alessandro Lavagna, Rodolfo Rocca, Marco Sacco, Ilaria Tarantino
Negrar Live operators and tutors:
Marco Benini, Paolo Bocus, Stefano Crinò, Alberto Fantin, Pietro Fusaroli, Thomas Togliani
Anesthesiologists Team:
Novara: Liliana Gradinaru, Gianluca Gugliotta, Konrad Petra, Luminita Sasu
Torino: Gabriella Buono
Negrar (VR): Massimo Zamperini
Pathologists Team:
Novara: Renzo Boldorini, Cristina Bozzola
Torino: Gianni De Rosa
Negrar (VR): Giuseppe Zamboni
- Chairs: Fulvio Cappelletti - Mohamed Ali El-Nadi - Maria Teresa Soria - Giovanna Venezia
Light Lunch
- F&B Area
Theoretical session 1: OPENING LECTURE
The EUS/ERCP = EURCP concept: present and future
- Introduction (Presenter): Andrada Seicean - Speaker: Claudio Giovanni De Angelis
Theoretical session 1: Technical issues
- Chairs: Làszlò Czakò - Alessandro Repici - Leonardo Sosa Valencia
EUS instruments and devices: what’s new?
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Silvia Gaia
ERCP instruments and devices: what’s new in the post-pandemic era and the increasing outbreaks of MDRO infections?
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Vincenzo Giorgio Mirante
Open Coffee
- F&B Area
Digital Peroral choledoscopy and pancreatoscopy: indications, technique and results
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Amit Maydeo
Technical Lecture
ERCP Technique: tips and tricks for selective biliary cannulation and how to manage complications
- Introduction (Presenter): Amit Maydeo - Speaker: Guido Costamagna
Theoretical session 2: goodies of knowledge (who would have thought?)
- Chairs: Roberto Di Mitri - Rodica Gincul - Fabrizio Panaro
Autoimmune pancreatitis: a challenging differential diagnosis
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Mitsuhiro Kida
The endo-hepatology concept
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Andrada Seicean
Pancreatic cystic lesions: EUS role in diagnosis, follow-up and treatment
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Laurent Palazzo
Unique clinical cases: Severe GERD Of unexpeted pancreatic origin
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Raffaele Manta
Comments from the audience and closing remarks
- Claudio Giovanni De Angelis - Nico Pagano
End of CME Sessions
- Organising Secretariat Desk
DAY 2 - 13th December 2024
Live Session 3
Novara Live operators and tutors:
Torino Live operators and tutors:
Elia Armellini, Marco Daperno, Carlo Fabbri, Alessandro Lavagna, Rodolfo Rocca, Marco Sacco, Ilaria Tarantino
Negrar Live operators and tutors:
Marco Benini, Paolo Bocus, Stefano Crinò, Alberto Fantin, Pietro Fusaroli, Thomas Togliani
Anesthesiologists Team:
Novara: Liliana Gradinaru, Gianluca Gugliotta, Konrad Petra, Luminita Sasu
Torino: Gabriella Buono
Negrar (VR): Massimo Zamperini
Pathologists Team:
Novara: Renzo Boldorini, Cristina Bozzola
Torino: Gianni De Rosa
Negrar (VR): Giuseppe Zamboni
- Chairs: Francesco Decembrino - Pierre Deprez - Gianfranco Donatelli - Deniz Duman
Open Coffee
- F&B Area
Tandem Talk
FNA/FNB sample and microforceps intraductal or intracystic biopsy: the best way to manage them?
On-site evaluation (OSE): R, M, V or S? What is the best consonant to choose?
Auditorium Gaudenzio Cattaneo
- Introduction (Presenter): Peter Vilmann - Endosonographer (10’): Alberto Larghi - Pathologist: (12’): Renzo Boldorini
Live Session 4
Novara Live operators and tutors:
Torino Live operators and tutors:
Elia Armellini, Marco Daperno, Carlo Fabbri, Alessandro Lavagna, Rodolfo Rocca, Marco Sacco, Ilaria Tarantino
Negrar Live operators and tutors:
Marco Benini, Paolo Bocus, Stefano Crinò, Alberto Fantin, Pietro Fusaroli, Thomas Togliani
Anesthesiologists Team:
Novara: Liliana Gradinaru, Gianluca Gugliotta, Konrad Petra, Luminita Sasu
Torino: Gabriella Buono
Negrar (VR): Massimo Zamperini
Pathologists Team:
Novara: Renzo Boldorini, Cristina Bozzola
Torino: Gianni De Rosa
Negrar (VR): Giuseppe Zamboni
- Chairs: Làszlò Czakò - Matteo Donadon - Tajana Pavic - Giacomo Rando
Light Lunch
- F&B Area
Theoretical session 3: current situation and a look into the future
- Chairs: Francesco Azzolini - Abdenor Badaoui - Maria Caterina Parodi
The rise of augmented EUS imaging (CH-EUS, EUS-EG and AI) in hepatobilio-pancreatic Pathology
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Leonardo Sosa Valencia
Gut microbiome and biliopancreatic pathology: any significant relationship?
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Marco Sacco
Diagnostic and therapeutic management of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors and liver metastases
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Rodica Gincul
Theoretical session 4: IBD Corner: Interaction gut /biliary tract and liver
- Chairs: Silvio Danese - Rodolfo Rocca - Raffaele Romito
The IBD Patient: endoscopic diagnosis, mucosal healing and dysplasia FU: High-quality bowel prep may represent the new standard of care even in the AI era?
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Carlo Calabrese
The IBD patient: bilio-pancreatic manifestations or complications
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Marco Daperno
Open Coffee
- F&B Area
Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis new therapies: anti-TNF, anti-IL23, anti-jak, anti-integrins
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Silvio Danese
Theoretical session 5: Role of endoscopy in biliopancreatic pathology (the summa theologica of the updated knowledge)
- Chairs: Carlo Fabbri - En-Ling Leung Ki - Francesco Pugliese
Endoscopic papillectomy: indications, technique, results. Any role for EUS?
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Massimiliano Mutignani
Pancreatic solid lesion: differential diagnosis, when and how to biopsy (FNA, FNB or something better?)
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Peter Vilmann
How to find early stage pancreatic cancer: time for pancreatic cancer screening
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Pietro Fusaroli
Comments from the audience and closing remarks
- Claudio Giovanni De Angelis - Nico Pagano
End of CME Session
DAY 3 - 14th December 2024
Theoretical session 6 and videosession: diagnostic and therapeutic EUS
- Chairs: Francesco Maria Di Matteo - Mariano Gonzales Haba - Claudio Ricci
Probe-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy: technique, indications and results in biliopancreatic pathology
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Helga Bertani
Miniprobes in bilio-pancreatic diseases (EDUS/IDUS): the lost World?
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Paolo Bocus
Pancreatic neoplasias. What the endosonographer can do:
Ablate the tumor
Treat the pain
10 minutes discussion at the end
- Mateo Tacelli - Alberto Fantin
Open Coffee
- F&B Area
Video-session: selected video-communications or a selection of the best live cases
- Presenters: Elia Armellini - Mauro Bruno - Mohamed Ali El-Nady – Santi Mangiafico - Thomas Togliani
Farewell Lecture:
ERCP in the third millennium: how far can we arrive?
Auditorium Gaudenzio Cattaneo
- Introduction (Presenter): Guido Costamagna - Speaker: Amit Maydeo
Theoretical session 7: Therapeutic EUS
- Chairs: Kenneth Binmoeller - Nico Pagano - Ilaria Tarantino
Pancreatic collections: EUS-guided drainage and necrosectomy
5 minutes discussion at the end
- Manu K. Nayar
Face to face:
EUS-guided biliary and pancreatic access: ready to retire not only the PTBD
but even the ERCP?
The ERCPist’s point of view
10 minutes discussion at the end
- Vinay Dhir - Massimiliano Mutignani
The new EUS-guided anastomoses
- Pierre Deprez
Farewell Lecture:
Therapeutic EUS: how far will we go?
Auditorium Gaudenzio Cattaneo
- Introduction (Presenter): Claudio Giovanni De Angelis - Speaker: Kenneth Binmoeller
Comments from the audience, closing remarks
- Chairs: Paolo Bocus - Claudio Giovanni De Angelis - Nico Pagano - Rodolfo Rocca